
iZiSwap will share 50% of potential ecosystem airdrop it gets in the future.

Swap and Add Liquidity will earn the iPoints.

The more points you earn, the more airdrop you will be shared.

My iPoints

- - iPoints


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Weekly Reward

- - iPoints

End Time

2024-11-25 0:00 UTC+8

Oh! there's nothing here!

Please connect wallet


Use the iZiSwap on Linea, Earn the iPoints

Swap Value in a week

$100 +


$1000 +


$50 iZi +


Hold LPS in a week

LP value $ 500

Stake at least 3 days


LP value $ 500

Stake at least 5 days


LP value $ 3000

Stake at least 3 days


LP value $ 3000

Stake at least 5 days



Swap Volume is calculated according to the amount of token spent in the transaction.

We will calculate from every 0:00 AM Monday until 12:00 PM Sunday(UTC+8). This is a weekly campaign, and iPoints will be collected once a week.

The iPoints on each chain are independent of each other.